Thank you so much for answering me! You are the first one. I think you are so right about most of us having very rough backgrounds and pasts. Expressing emotions in my family was forbidden. Both of my conditions flared up when I was in a miserable job that I hated; the story of my work life for most of 40 years of working in offices! That was my last full time job, as I quit and was unable to work, am on SS Disability now. I''ve also heard that something totally shocking, an auto accident, ANYTHING that we just cannot accept and that hurts us terribly can cause these conditions to appear and really zap us. I have always had terrible judgement when it came to men, two early marriages in my 20's that were awful, one emotionally abusive, next one was an alcoholic. Still single after 30 years, have just about given up on men. I'm sorry for what you went through. We don't deserve it! We are exceptionally sensitive and vulnerable individuals, I don't think we realize how much; I think all who have BPD and fibro are. One of my sisters had a rough life and now is happily (I guess) married, but has mild fibro and lupus. I see signs of BPD in both sisters but not my brother. Rheumatoid diseases run in my family (my mom). Right now I have a bad back sometimes and knee pain just began this winter, perhaps due to the weather changes. I will have to think about questions I'd like to ask you and I DEFINITELY want to keep in touch with you. I'll bet that you are a very creative individual, an artist, craftsperson or writer of some kind, maybe even a musician?? We usually are. One of the worst experiences in my life was having my daughter go live with her father when she was only 11. Professionals advised me to let her go because they said I'd have problems with her later if I didn't. She returned when she was 16. We are wonderfully close now, thank God! I have finally realized that along with meds, I really need a therapist to support me in getting through life. Am coming out of a deep depression right now. You are giving me hope that I can write my book. I am also writing children's literature but am a beginner and sometimes I cannot write at all. I invite you to write to me at my private email, which should now be listed in the list of members, if you would like to. (Click on "Members." If it's not there, let me know.) Have you heard of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy? It is new and very good, teaches us living skills, but I quit it for lack of patience. Meanwhile, I will work on questions for you. I think that just sharing with each other will be wonderful. for now, please write any old thiing at all that you feel like writing to me. Thank you again,
Sincerely, FibroBipoGal
"One of the most valuable things we can do to heal each other is listen to each other's stories." Rebecca Falls