Hi, I am a member on the Lymes disease site for my and daughters chronic lyme and her autism and breast cancer site due to my mom. My new agenda is finding out about
bipolar children as the pychiatrist believes my 13 yr old step son has many symptoms. I did some research online and sounds alot like him! I decided to join here for insight on real experiences! I have been raising him for 5 years. His mother was a crack addict and he has seen ALOT. At first I had hoped that a stable home and love and guidance would be all he needs. My husband was not aware of his ex wifes addiction and promiscuity problems but she used my step son as a co dependant making him guard her secrets. Well as you can imagine he has many disapline problems and major direspect for woman. Habitual liar, steals, argues the most simple request or even facts. Has caused us major problems with wishing to be viewed as a victim. Making up stories that Ive tried to stab him or beat him and actually makes himself bloody and puts marks on himself for people to ask what happened. I am so afraid of someone calling child servives and taking all the kids (My daughter who is autistic is 10 and my step daughter is 8) His full sister who is perfectly well adjusted>
The house is full of turmoil surrounding him as I have read those of you who have children with this illness full well understand! He will do anything in his power to get his way. He has no sense of normal instinct or common knowledge Example doesnt know to not take rides from strangers and speaks to everyone (all ages and genders as is a peer) we have had problems with him hurting younger kids I dont think purposely well I hope ,just that he doesnt understand their limitations! Well I could go on forever but of course there is a crisis going on in other room! I just want to thank everyone for sharing their stories as it has helped me not feel alone in this. (I have had to start counceling myself just to get through everyday! Thanks NIa