Thanks for your feedback. I agree that it is completely Quackish of my doc to w/hold meds b/c missed appt. I went off at the office and probably made a fool of myself. The situation is that I'm disabled and have no ins. I've only been on disability for 1 year now but have $600 "deductible" with medicaid. I have another year before Medicare. That's ridiculous - and another topic LOL.
So, these guys are the only "local" yahoos that will treat me on a sliding scale. Hence, no other doc. available to me. The kicker is that the Lamictal is "facilitated" to me through thier "med-clinic". I applied to the mfg. of Lamictal and they give it to me for free. The med clinic takes care of getting it filled and just gives it to me when I go to p/u my other meds. I asked for it and the nurse refused, even though it's my prescription and me getting it based on need. She said that the doc wouldn't let me have it cuz the therapy thing.
So in a way I just want to go off in a manic hysteria to prove to them how stupid they are! That is an off-handed remark, so please don't slam me for it. I do feel like I'm manic, but it I love it. I have happy emotions, I am easy to get along with, I want to live. I want to be active and alive and do stuff. I enjoy other people. I enjoy my life.
If I feel so miserable on meds, than what is the difference than being off them and crashing every once in a while instead of being terminally crashed? I used to rapid cycle, but that seems to not be the case right now... Is that because I am manic?
Yes, the blah blah blah of me tells me I am manic. I like manic. I want to stay manic. Just as long as it doesn't lead me to the crazy place I've gone before.