Yep, I work in a call centre.
After 9 years of illness (BP), I was rescued by a wonderful pdoc, who put me on the right combo of meds, made time for me for appointments and really was my driving force for entering the working world. Years spent in psych hospitals, ECT's, too many meds made me skeptical. I was faced with lack of computer skills due to time away for the working world, so I had to teach myself. Another obstacle was a very spotty resume, due to years of illness.
But, tenacity prevailed, and with some volunteer experience under my belt, I found a job.
(The training session which lasted 2 weeks darned near killed me! Lots to learn and I was the slowest).
Back to the call centre question. I am in collections and it is very stressful. Nasty, cranky customers take their toll on me, but I have been with this company (at this job) for almost 11 mos. A true feat. I find my years listening and talking with other patients while in hospital, has helped dealing with sometimes cranky people.