Copster - I am really happy that you have put your feelings on here. It's much easier, as you know, to talk to other people who are going through the same hardships as you are. But talk to your wife -- just because we can understand what you are going through doesnt mean we will be there for you always. Your wife will be. Bipolar Disorder is not something to be ashamed of or embarrased about. I bet your wife would love for you to come out with your true feelings. If you need any help through anything don't be afraid to email me.
For the original post =) I believe just living with BP is a success story. But, relationship wise, I have seen the good and the bad. My older relationship lasted 6 months and this was before I was diganosed. My ex helped me through everything I had a hard time with (and these were my horrible times so I don't know how he did it!) Once I was diagnosed, I got a new boyfriend that was very... indifferent to my disorder. He would change the subject erratically, and his mom would not let him drive with me because she thought my meds made me crazy in the head. It made me feel horrible.
But I realized that things will arise like that. The thing you need to know is that there will be many people that will not understand the disorder. But they are many who will =)
Take care Country Gal =) Good luck!!