Hi, I read the posts from back in February just this a.m. Wondering how you've been doing with the nightmares?
I have never been medicated for bipolar, UNFORTUNATELY, simply because after the diagnosis a few years ago I decided the doc was crazy. Now, after a you-know-what-load of obvious disruption to my life I'm facing the truth of the matter for the very first time.
Back to nightmares...
As long as I can remember, I've had very intense dreams and nightmares. In fact, I'd be willing to bet that the content in the dreams could give me a clue as to how my bipolar cycle is going. Very gory nightmares have always accompanied any type of illness for me (flu virus, onset and during depressive episodes.) However, in the past 10 years a positive side has emerged: brilliantly detailed, conceptual dreams. I've had dreams that amaze me, that have entire story lines, underlying themes and tones that I could actually write a book on (if only I could follow-through!!). This has been the same years within which I've noticed manic episodes emerging. Problem is, when I'm like this I can't stop talking about the dreams and the ideas themselves seem to fuel my energy and excitement (mania), and people actually listen intently to my telling of the dreams, "Oh WOW! You should write a book about this, or make it into a move script!" and so on... Of course in 3 days I'm out of the manic phase and completely on to something else, like I said, no follow-through.
Okay, well anyway, I also have a longer history of night terrors, something I cannot see holding me down at night, the feeling wakes me and I now (after years of this) know what I must do to bring myself out of it---I anticipate (instinctively by this stage of the game) the ability to move my lips so I can speak a prayer "God Help Me." I have done this to cope as at the onset of this it was very very sudden and several times within one night. This frequency lasted approximately 6 months and tapered a little over the following year, then is now only 1 to 2 times a year. My prayer works because either
a)God is really helping me, or
b)It pulls upon my most familiar, powerful framework I've held from childhood.
Either way, it would be good for sufferers to look for something familiar and strong to train themselves to lean on intuitively at those times.
PAST TRAUMA - another dream issue I had for about a year when I was 13; This actually happened, and repeated dreams then ensued:In the middle of the night my mother, brother and I were broken in on by a man who molested my mother with my brother and I in the next room. We didn't have a telephone, it was a three room apt. and my brother unfortunately awoke, looked into the kitchen from where he was and saw our mother and this man. I had been awake the entire time, and the man had told me to keep still and quiet and said if I moved or made a sound he would kill my mother (this, while holding a knife to her throat).
IN THE COMING MONTHS, I would have a nightmare with this scenario again and again. Repeating the victimization, sometimes I would fight back, find a gun and shoot at him, but in the end, he would succeed at doing this to my mother and I would have failed to protect her again. My counselor taught me LUCID DREAMING SKILLS. Eventually, I was able to fill the perpetrator with holes, literally being able to see through him by the end of the dream. I won, finally. I never had that dream again.
I still have times of gory dreams. I accept this about myself. I am very sensitive to disturbing images through media. There are certain types of horror films that I have noticed DO TRIGGER severe terror/anxiety/paranioa feelings in me for days to come. Obviously it's just not worth it, and is perhaps why I've never been a big fan of the scary stuff. Whatever you do, don't take it in and allow yourself to believe that the presence of these dreams is a reflection on you or your quality as a person. I've come to see it this way: It's like PULP FICTION, not the movie, but FICTION in PULP interpretation. Intangible ideas that are expressed physically or visually so that the ideas themselves are more reachable and understandable