I ALSO was diagnosed with a less severe form of bipolar, and some of my pdocs are convinced that I do have bipolar, and only one thinks I do not have it. After doing extensive research and dealing with this since the age of three, I don't see HOW I don't have it. Anyway, I was first prescribed Lamictal, and it was hard to tell if that perpetuated the crying spells, because I had had them before going on the medication. However, I had a marked increase in serious suicidal thoughts, felt a LITTLE bit calmer over all, but was very, very sad as you say, I did cry a lot, and the depressions were utterly debilitating. This was most pronounced each time I increased the dosage. The pdocs acted as if it was so unusual for this to happen, but it did. Each time I increased the dose, I would have to wait a month before my worsened symptoms declined. I also experienced terrible insomnia, and was put on Klonopin along with the Lamictal. Seriously, over night, the depression went away, the anxiety went away, I felt tremendously better, and I began sleeping again. Now, the combination sometimes works very well, and sometimes not. I'm not sure it's completely the right one, as I still go through bouts of immense struggling with depression, mania, anger, anxiety, and apathy. But I guess you should talk to your pdoc, or even get another opinion if you feel you're getting nowhere, as one of mine was convinced that pretty soon I would no longer need medications. I felt AWFUL trying to adjust, and it did get better, but every time I ramped up the dose, it took so long to recover. Maybe the pdoc will change, or add a medication. For me, Klonopin actually got rid of the depression. I did not want an SSRI, although they tried to get me to take one. I'm afraid of weight gain. Anyway, totally off topic, but I wish you luck, and if you have any other questions about what it was like, don't hesitate to ask. It took me six months to adjust to this medication, with ups and severe downs. Good luck, and keep seeing that dr, or another one, b/c you should be able to get relief elsewhere! Very nice to meet you!