Hello everyone, I'm glad new folks have jumped in on this topic, for it is good to hear different sides to the issues at hand. I have read some great points that we all need to consider from Bp's and the spouses who love them. I wrote some points to Destiny and Married2bp early on, that illness or not, we all need to look at in self reflection. Here is a short recap and clarity on some points I have made on my experieces. ( Destiny has not blogged for some time, but I hope she is well)
There is deep issues beyond and beside the illness for both bp and spouse: Simple reasons why things break down in relationships:
1. Knowing thyself- are there things in your life that you need to discover about yourself? What are they, and are those personal issues a factor in the breakdown? Like too naive, cant express feelings, cant decide for yourself, control freak, running away from your demons, all these are personal issues that cannot be ignored, or they will surface and cause friction.
2. Need for change- My wife told me part of the reason why she cheated was because of our lifestyle. Her attraction to the others were not physical, but of the lifestyle they possessed, ie, 9 to 5 job, victorian house with picket fence, weekends off, etc.. Need for change is a part of the human condition, we all would go insane if things are the "same old, same old"
3. Listening and communication- I never heared the cry for help, I blew it off as psyco babble. Still working on being a better listener.. Also, do I share the deep dark secrets that lurk inside my head. Do I dare speak them? What would happen if I do?
4. Attention- I'm always working and never give the type of attention my gal needs. Still working on this.... never ending process
5. Setting goals- what are the things you want for your famly? Can everyone be on board to reach these goals. Can we as nonbp's overcome some adversity, and handle the challenges to reach these goals? hum.. ( fight the good fight together, or the grass is greener on the otherside and give up)
6. Acceptance and forgiveness. We all say it! Do we mean it?
7. You cant change anyone! illness or not. If someone tried to change me, I would run away fast or put up my dukes~ . Are you trying to change someone? We cant force someone to love, for love is a gift, and it should not be taken for granted.
We all have breaking points in our lifes, and its frustrating that know one knows or understands ourselves. It is only our self that we can improve on, learn about and make changes. We all have to face the music. Bp and nonbp.