Chrissy, is it? I can only offer the benefit of my experience. There seems to be a genetic connection. My greatgrandmother, grandmother, mother, myself, my sister, my brother and (I fear, my son), seem to have BiPolar disorder. My experience involves what is referred to as BiPolar II, in which depression is the predominant manifestation, with intermittant bouts of extreme irritability. I understand BiPolar I involves full blown attacks of irrational, euphoric, manic behavior with intermittant bouts of depression. I rarely experience manic bouts as I'm older (50), but as a teenager and into my early 20's I recall some episodes of euphoria, reckless behavior, followed by dangerous depression. I also understand that some of the meds used to treat depression may be contraindicated for BiPolar disorder as they may cause rapid cycling (quick flips from depression through mania and back again within a short period of time, ie several times a day. ). If you or a loved one are experiencing what you believe to be BiPolar disorder, I strongly reccomend seeing a Mental Health clinician ASAP. BiPolar disorder can ruin relationships, take jobs, wreck families, and lead to devestation. There are some medications available that if taken religiously can reduce episodes significantly, and allow an individual to lead a relatively normal life. Many of the elders in my family who suffered from BiPolar have come to believe that simplifying their lifestyle, decreasing outside stimulation, and adhering to a routine, regular sleep times, mealtimes, med times etc. has helped significantly. Best of luck to you. Durusi