Hi Folks
I've been gone for so long, I guess I need to bio again.
Originally diagnosed with ADD in my late 30's. Had a major misfire due to medication and was then diagnosed with BP 2 with rapid cycles. Unusual for a male to have BP2, but then again, I have always been unusual.
Take lamicatal, remeron, ativan, lithium. Good mix. I am doing quite well. The only thing that is really bothering me right now is my shorts are kind of bunching up on me.
Been a long road with too many bumps. Spent alot of time at the psych floor. So much I was thinking they would name a wing after me.
Have much less stress now. Sold the ranch (at a supreme loss) but it was too much for me to handle, even with how small it was. Wife and I moved to town, now I work painting houses and yard work. Seems like a step down, but I really enjoy it. Wife has a good job and we just plug along.
I hope I find every one well.
Your pal