Medications can be so confusing and if you read alot, you will find conflicting information. Also, if your PDoc does not return your call within 2 hours, I would find another one. I went through three before I finally found one that acted like they truly cared. I am so thankful I found someone that returns my calls, gave me his beeper # in case I got in real trouble. I have high anxiety and bipolar but lean toward mania. Antidepressants make me manic so mood stabilizers and Xanax help. BUT I have had such bad side effects and dosage level issues that I have been hard to stabalize but we are getting close. I just keep the faith that one day I will hit on the right combination. i wish this for all people with BP.
Thanks for the replys, I really feel good to know I can come here and vent and maybe be of help to someone else.