Dear friends,
I am especially hoping to hear from those of you who suffer with BP so I can hopefully get some advice on how I will ever be able to get thru to my husband how I feel.
Whenever he out of the blue goes on his hurtful rants toward me, as hard as I try, it still cuts. I end up feeling hurt and confused and not knowing what he means or doesn't mean with his words. He never wants to talk about what has happened afterwards, to explain or even understand how hurt I am. It seems he just wants things to go on as if nothing has occurred. He really can't stand it if I ever tell him something has hurt my feelings. This is not a solution. It is so easy to diffuse a conflict if someone will just talk to you or apologize.
It's gotten to the point now where I will end up hurt and angry and it may last for days. It's uncomfortable for me, but it's how I feel. I just have a hard time recovering, and I always seem to start questioning the marriage and how much I can tolerate. Our children can no doubt sense the hostility between us, and it's not good for everyone. I feel that I cannot recover faster because he refuses to talk with me about the situation, and he continues to be hurtful when things are going great. I understand sometimes it is hard to control things when BP is in the mix, but he has gone to therapy to help, and it would help a lot more if after he has calmed down, he talk to me about it and apologize.
What's driving me that now he no longer wants to focus on his own behaviour and what he does that hurts. The whole topic of conversation is now - what is my problem? Why can't I deal? Why can't I recover? Why do I go on hurt and angry for days? That I need help, etc...
Well, I am not a ROBOT! I need love and support and understanding and compassion too. I know why I feel this way, and he's trying to turn it into me being the one with the problem. The truth is...I do have a problem, but I can't fix it without him doing his part!
Why can't he see what he is doing and understand the affects it's having on me? Why does he keep shifting the focus off what I am upset about and blaming everything on my reactions to HIS behaviour? How can I talk to him and make him understand this?
Please help!
Many thanks,