Hello all. My husband and I went to the very anticipated GP appt. yesterday morning and he gave him a mood stabilizer in conjunction with his antidepressant. My story is long, but I REALLY need to share, so please indulge me.
On Friday I had delivered a letter to the doctor to give him some background info regarding my observations of my husband etc. I felt bad that I went behind my husband's back to do this, but I got over it. I was concerned that my husband would not share much with the GP.
As we are sitting in the office waiting to see the GP, my husband says he is going to let me do all the talking. Fine with me, I have lots to say!
On Friday he started complaining that I made the appt too early and that his boss gave him a hard time about making appts before work and that he had so much to get done at work and that it better be a quick appt etc etc etc. (Nevermind that I too had to juggle my schedule to make this appt). Ok, I got it, he was nervous and anxious about the appt.
When we finally get to see the doctor, he lets me start the conversation. So I share with the doctor what my observations have been for the past year or so, knowing that the doc already has background info. My husband begins to share a bit, but really not to much at first.
He admitted he lashes out verbally. He admitted he hadn't been treated properly by previous pdoc. He admitted that when he's feeling good, he stops the meds. He admitted that his mood goes up and down and doesn't want to talk about it with me. He admitted that when this happens everything around him bothers him.
When I used the word manic depression, he was surprised and couldn't believe I actually said it out loud to the doctor. The doctor was wonderful and very supportive.
He began asking questions and describing symptoms of bp and HE used the word bp and my husband answered the questions and agreed with the symptoms and agreed to try the mood stabilizer and agreed to see a pdoc for follow up and counseling (for which I have already scheduled an appt). The GP wants to see him in 4 weeks.
The GP validated everything I had been trying to communicate to my husband about his illness so I think he now sees that I didn't just make it all up. I am glad that I wrote that letter to the doc. My husband signed a consent form giving me permission to discuss his meds etc with the doctor.
He need to get blood work done and he was about to bail out on that part, but he got it done and we were done with everything within an hour. I picked up his meds after work. He took them.
Last night he told me that he shared some info about what he is calling his "mood disorder" with a male co-worker (older than him who has a son with the same "mood disorder"). I told him I thought this was great and that I am glad he could share this with his friend.
I think he needs to talk to someone who has had experience living with someone with this "mood disorder" so he can see that he's not the only one suffering with this. They are going to grab some dinner after work today and talk.
Guys, thank you all for listening and being my support group! I don't think I could have handled doing all this if thought I was the only one in the world living with a bp husband. I was truly ready to give up and leave him to deal with himself by himself.
I'm hoping that we are on the right path to stabilizing his illness and that I can see a somewhat happier man in a few weeks.
Thanks for listening!