Hi, I joined here a while back but never posted. Short background: Husband is Biopolar and ADHD. Was diag. over a year ago. Couldn't work for 2 years before filing for disability and actual was approved after only a 4 month wait. He is currently on Abilify 5mg, Concerta CR 30mg 2x day, Ritalin 10mg, Depakote 500mg 2x day, Cymbalta 27mg 2x day, Ativan 1 mg 2x day.
Although these medications have kept his mood swings in check they have literally made him unproductive and inactive. He can't seem to go more than 4-5 hours without having to sleep. I'm wondering if this is a case of him being over medicated. I know there are times when he doubles up on his dosages of Ritalin and Concerta because he runs out of them before the refill date.
He has taken some form of antidepressant and the Ativan for 10+ years and the other medication were prescribed when he was officially diag. with the ADHD and bipolar. The 2 years prior to this diag were bad and I had to fight him to go to the psych doctor and get the additionally medication and accept the Bipolar diag. So I really don't want to suggest that he is over medicated but it's kind of like living with a zombie, but better than before the medication with the mood swings.
Should I ever expect him to be more than what he is now on these medications? Or should I just resolve to the fact that he will be "out of it" for the rest of his life? His been on these medications for over a year and a half.
What kind of physical effect will all these medications have on his body over a long period of time? Is he likely to have physical problems in the future?
Just wondering if anyone has the dule diag. of ADHD and Bipolar and what types of medication they are prescribed.