I'm quite sure my bipolar wife has had affairs, and that at least one is likely on-going. She insists that is not the case, but I have caught her lying about so many minor events that I do not trust her.
It is easier for me to believe she has had an affair and deal with that (and on some levels it is OK with me, my only requirements are that she is open and honest about it), than to believe she is telling the truth when she denies it. All of the signs point to an affair, including a meeting with HR at her work. I feel like an gullible lout when I think I she is telling me the truth.
I have been reading the posts on here and other sites for a while.
My biggest concern is that I do not have what it takes to keep my job, my health, her health, and the health of our 15-year marriage in tact. I, and our marriage, have already taken so many damaging hits from her disease that I am at wits end.
Being married to a BP spouse truly is hell. At least we don't have kids.