Long story short, I am bi-polar and have not been manic for years. A few months ago I mentioned to my primary doc that I was feeling the mania slipping in so he put me on Lithium. I wasn't reacting so well to it so I switched to Depakote to help with the BP as well as severe migraines.
Work has been super stressful and my husband is also making me stressed. We had a huge fight and he is just so non-supportive and does not even understand BP. I am not in a manic state. When I am manic I quit jobs, drink etc. but he has never seen that because that was all before we were married. Right now I have ups and downs but still manage to work as an office manager and get my work done, take care of my house and dogs, help run a website etc. So I am fairly focused, I think so anyway.
He thinks I should talk to my doctor about being admitted but I think therapy would help. I know the stress is making me worse.
Can someone briefly describe what is involved in a voluntary hospitalization, especially if you have a full time job?
Help!!!!!! And thank you for listening.