Hi there and welcome. Glad you osted because BOY do you sound like you have alot on your plate.
Ok, i cant understand being pregnant, but i do understand being lost. Most of the members on here have been lost also and trust me, we can help you find your way back, it just takes a bit of time.
First we need to priortize (Bad spelling here, sorry.
) The most important thing is your health and your baby. Everything else after that has to take a back seat. You only get one chance to do right by your baby, so you have to concentrate on that. Im not telling you what to do, i am mearly suggesting a course of action.
Once you take care of your baby and you, then you can worry about
your relationship with your hubby. You ahve so much on your plate that you cant seem to gain traction on any of it. (sorry, mixed methphors) There will be time later to work with your hubby on getting back together, but right now he isnt stable and it will take a while for the lithium to get him stable and work thru the side effects. By awhile i mean it could take a year or more. You just dont know.
Talk to your doctor and see if there is any meds you can take to help you get thru being pregnant and being depressed that wont hurt your baby. Maybe someone on here has some good info that can help you out.
Finally hang in there. You are living for two now, and yes it will be hard. But by taking it a step at a time, and getting as much help as you can, you will come out of this and be even stronger on the other side.
And we are here to help and encourage you.