Aw, don't worry, you'll get through this. I don't know what time or day it is where you are, but if there is still time to call, I would call. You're really experiencing something that is not good for you and pdoc should probably be aware. Plus do you want to go on like this? I know there is the flip side to this; that this drug helps you feel better with your mood, but you need to figure out what is more important. To me, negative side effects are a no no....But that's my opinion. And I get that same strong opinion from my own pdoc. He never wants me to experience bad side effects b/c that really takes away from the real goal.
I am sure you are torn...I am sorry for that. Like I said just try to think of what is best for you. You said you don't have energy...that's not a plus...Were you at a lower dose when you first started?
I really think you should talk to pdoc about what is going on and maybe he/she can help you sort it out. That is what they are there for :) Keep updating...hopefully you are feeling well today.