Hi to both of you, and yes, im not surprised you went into denial. No one ever wants to hear that they have a mental illness, i was 40 when i was diagnosed and it took all my coping skills, and efforts to come to grips with that fact. But once i accepted that and got help my life has improved a huge amount.
Now i have to take something to control my manias, depression isnt so much of a problem for me. Now does the medication take away everything? No. I still have to fight the urges to do bad/stupid things. However with the meds i have a fighting chance to keep control of my mind, and thats more than i had before i started my meds.
Now are there side effects to meds, yes. In my case there is weight gain and hair loss. But i can honestly say that is a small price to pay for gaining control of my mind.
I have made this a subject that my family has had to deal with. They wanted to deny it at first, but i stuck to it and told them it was the right diagnosis. Since then they have come to grips with it.
Hang in there and keep posting. This site is filled with lots of great supportive people, there is lots of great info they have to share.