I tried to go to bible study tonight, since I was in no condition to go last week and don't want to miss two in a row. I'm still "raw" from being emotional this morning and started crying before I even got there. I went in and said that I would not be able to stay, then pulled myself together on the way home. Now I have a headache again. And I've flaked out of another thing I said I would do. I cut way down on the things that I promise I will do so that I will reasonably be able to do the things I say I can do. I HATE flaking out.
I have had a really rough month or so. I had an allergy attack that made me switch allergy medications 31 days ago. The decongestant in the new medication I took flew me into a true manic (worse than I have had in a long time) and when I stopped taking it the floor fell out from under me. I started to feel better and felt like I had swung back over to the (hypo)manic a bit, and now I feel all shaky and fragile. When I have to deal with nearby family or friends at church they are supportive at first, but really expect me to get over it pretty quick. If I know what is going on, and I know why it happened, I should also know how to stop it from happening. It's taken over a month to deal with the effects of taking an over-the-counter allergy medication that threw me into a manic.
I have to say that I am hard on myself for not working because I had never concidered to stay at home with schoolage kids. I had always intended to work. I had entry-level jobs, but I was good at it. I was just getting into taking classes to get a degree to go with a job I loved and was passonate about. It's not that I don't like being at home with the kids, but I was really good at what I did at work.
My husband says that I am just sitting here saying "WOE IS ME" and that I should just go to bed. I should liston to him. But I am going to finish my post. I guess I was complaining.
Trying to Understand- I am in IL, but I have been told that since I am only 31 I have to jump through more hoops to proove that I should get it. They said something about being under 45 or 50 is harder to do. I had the appt with the state PSY.