Posted 12/19/2010 1:31 AM (GMT 0)
Does anyone on here have a spouse or do they have Bipolar Schizoeffective disorder? My STBX has this disorder and I'm wondering if this can be passed down to my daughter who is 16 months. I have been looking up research for the last week and a half about this, though to be honest it was just focused on bipolar as they is what he and his family refer to it as. Back when I was doing to his doctor appointments with him and being the supportive wife before I saw how he was just going through the motions and not really taking an active role in his treatment, I came to the decision that if he doesn't take part then I shouldn't have to do it on my own, which is what I've been doing along with taking care of a baby and doing EVERYTHING, with no help from him (he says he was going through something and that is why he wasn't helping when we brought the baby home in August 09 and up this very point). When I went to his doctor appointments months ago I finally asked what he official diagnoses was and bipolar schizoeffective disorder is what I heard. Being that I have no relations as far as I know in my family that has a mental illness this is total news to me. I was the one that took over the meds and made sure he took them at a regular time every day and scheduled appointments, but along the way I began to loose myself. I was living for him and not myself, and now that of my daughter. I can't do THIS my entire life as I thought that love would be enough since he was on meds and was ok, which I realized after my own research and going to the doctor appointments meant that he was probably in a manic episode. We have had some rough times of the spending and the run in with police and about 2 hospitalizations that were with me, the last over a year ago since my daughter came along, the last hospital stay was it for me. But now I'm wondering how being around him will affect my daughter in the long term as she is very sensitive and cries whenever he comes around since he has not taken an active role in taking care of her since she was brought home.
I know that there is things that he can't and won't be able to do, but this is after the fact as of this year and how I came to my ultimate decision. This illness is clearly more than I can handle and with his family not helping like I think they should (he was diagnosed at either 18 or 20 from what he told me), but I really had no clue what bipolar, now known as bipolar schizoeffective disorder, really is. And even though I know more about it now and even how marriages fair with it it doesn't make me happy at all. I'm stressed out and even after being mad and bitter that I realized too late that he would not be able to help with anything like keep a job and do chores etc, it's a lot and my own health is being affected I'm sure.
Just not sure how to go about it with someone who doesn't care about their recovery and those around them. I can't do that to my daughter, but how I go about leaving and all that and stay sane I have no idea.
Thanks for listening. Need a place where others understand what I'm going through.