Yep, you nailed all the biggies for BPII Hypomania. I got the same exact problems, to a t.
The big thing is to get her into therpay and medication. WIthout meds, it won;t get better. There is no real "non drug" way of dealing with this that i am aware of.
Yes, it is possible to have just parts of this desease at different times of the the year, and not have all at once. And where she might have sex issues and rage at one time, she might have spending and parnoia at another. Fun fun fun.
You can support her, and it will be a long road ahead. I have said this before, you are not only learning a new "you" that will emerge from the medication, but you also will grieve the old "you " that was lost. Because for better or for worse, you will still miss the old you, it took me the better part of a year to get over that and learn that the new bill had a great life also.
I think it is great you want to support her, just be prepared for many failures, this desese doenst give up easy. THere will be many relapses, many screw ups, and lots of tears. But at the end there is a light at the end of the tunnel, with enough work and the right meds we do get better.
GOod luck.