Hi, Apologies in advance for my dyslexia, i cant see what errors i will make:
There are cures for psychosis being attempted.
One way is the lopcation of the gene or genes responsible then fitting a gene bridge over them using gene therapy.
That means grafting on to the cells programming, a DNA chain that will create the proteins and do the job that the faulty genes are not doing.
At the moment, we think that we have identified the genes repsonsible
They are p23 - p24 on chromosome 12.
The research for this is:
It is just one of many attempts.
There are certain things you can do to both lessen the symptoms and give youreself a better life:
1. Reguklar care plan Research has shown that those poeple receiving a worked out care plan with psychotic illness, have less severe symptoms over tiome, both for positive and negative issues (higha and lows)
Increased vitamin intakes plus excercise boost general health.
High doses of Vitamin C and B3 in high doses have been shown in a 1978 study to lessen the severity of psychosis.
Essential fatty acids with a specific combo of 7:1 EPA:DHA (eg Omegabrite which has been manufactured specificaly for this...try Google) are said to dramatically lessen the effects of bipolar.
You can take some Omega Oils in Cod liver oil capsules and my own, but anecdotal experience is that people who take cod liver oil have faster recovery times and lessened episodes than those not.
It is highly likely schitzophrenia and bipolar are vaiants of the same genetic problems, triggered by stress.
Playing a musical instrument has been shown in a study to effect the actual DNA by destressing it (see Medline)
Working for the charities involved and particiapting in self help groups imporves mood.
The lorenzos oil story is now famous. A couple dedicated themsleves to researching a cure for their children's fatal illness and found one.
Simple Vitamin D injections have just been found to get rid of 95% of the symptoms of MS
Some people have advanced that psychotic illnesses are in fact allergic reaction to certain foodstuffs, and people going vegitarian and illiminating alchohol and coffee have been said to have massive improvements.
A stable calm relationship is obviouly better than a risjy one.
I have had either bi-polar or schitzophtrenia for 20 years depending on the diagnosis, and find anticonvulsnats really indispensible.
Since the logging of the human genome, analyis of parts of it are underway.
Gene therapy and medicines specific to the faulty genes that are identified seem the most promising avenues in the near future.
Supercomputing is advancing rapidly and will be able to do years of work in under a few hours, testing the chemical interactions.
Deep Purple (IBM) passed human memory capacity in march 2005 (100 trillion opperations per second) and other supercomputers will be available in the next year to help with the specific task of identifying illness, which I expect to be extionct in ten years.
I thikk illnesses will be extinct in 10 years because supercomputing and artificial Intelligence will make analysing and effects cures very rapid, and because I have made a study of this field.