First off let me say, I don't believe you are a "Bipolar Mess". Bipolar disorder just happens to be (biologically) a part of who you are. I know how hard it is to feel so out of control of your emotions, that tend to swing from side to side, sometimes with drastic consequences. I personally read everything I could get my hands on about
Bipolar II, and all in all they ALL say the same things. Therapy has helped me to learn when my behavior is unreasonable (ie manic, or depressive). I have the tendency to be what they call "a catastrophic thinker"- meaning I manger to internalize everything and make little things into life altering things. Of course no one wants to live this way- and I TOTALLY get feeling like people think just take a pill and you'll get better. Yes medication does help but it doesn't clean up any messes you've made for yourself. I have the hardest time now with people who know that I am Bipolar thinking that if I am having a bad day I'm "depressed", or having a good day means I'm "manic". OK I KNOW I'M BIPOLAR but please STOP treating me like that is all I am now, is what I want to scream sometimes. With people very close to me (who are the most supportive to me) they sometimes seem to now "blame" how I feel on being Bipolar. IT DRIVES ME INSANE!!!! I am so sorry that right now you feel that you have made a mess- but with time and some forgiveness (mainly for yourself) you can "clean" things up. We have ALL made some mistakes that can never be taken back- said and done things we wish we hadn't- promised to do something, then something shiny caught our eye- been late AGAIN- taken time off because we couldn't deal with the "talk" today. Bipolar disorder is tough, and I have to TRULY believe that with time, I can get control of it. And I HONESTLY believe that you have the strength to do the same!! My email is
[email protected] if you ever need to chat more privately!