Hello, I am new to this site, and glad to have found it. I was diagnosed with Bipolar 5 yrs ago after experiencing a stroke due to an aneurysm. Young to be having a stroke, yet the Bipolar saw no boundaries either in deciding to use that in order to flare up.
Since my diagnosis, I have tried meds.. stopped them being the Einstein I was in thinking I could deal with it on my own... and now am back on them again. I still have my moments, but depsite the attempts, the meds arent doing much for the depression lately. When the kids are in school, and hubby is at work.. it sets in deeper. The hesitation of not wanting to bother anyone with my burdens, as well as not wanting to be bothered by anyone anyway.. kinda makes it a no win situation. Thats why I am glad that I found this site. If anything, to get these lagging thoughts and feelings off my chest. :(
It has been a challenge for me to accept all the changes going on lately... hubby's new job and such.. but even harder to accept this thing that has attached itself to me. I cannot say that I am willingly in it for the long haul... yet I know there is no choice. So how do you accept life? How to do you shake the constant changes that life brings.. learn to swallow it and move on? How do you turn something that is posing as a trigger for it all into something that should be accepted... and carry on? Knowing that you cannot change that which is triggering? They say to rid yourself of the triggers... walk away from the situation. But if you cannot... then what do you do?
How can I accept life, and all it has to offer when the offerings seem to get worse and worse?