From my experience being a recovering drug addict, with bouts of clean time in the past ---
I cannot recall one person who turned on me because I fell into the world of prescription drugs...
this includes potential boyfriend's or friends in general. This surprised me, even with friends/boyfriends in the past that I am currently in contact with over the net. Everyone is
understanding and encouraging. I am stabilizing on meds for bi polar and ADD. The ADD part
was easier to accept for me, I did not want to accept that I had ALL these things wrong even
though they all coincide and have direct links to one another. But like someone said --- I think
it was Ellie, that a diabetic must take his insulin or else... modern day does not have the stigmas
of mental illness as in my aunt's younger days -- as she is a carbon copy of me in the brain.
Do not be scared to share, if people could accept me -- especially the addict and NOT judge,
I am confident that if your friends are the real deal, they will support you even more!!
Best Wishes....
Boomer1 AKA Lori