Don't think I'm judging you Mogli, I'm just trying to get a picture of what you're going through. The fact that you hadn't mentioned any cycling seemed odd, since its the hallmark of the diagnosis, and I was confused. From what you had said about
your anxiety and your depression and your medications it was obvious that if you had been diagnosed bipolar, there was a lot left out (like the bipolar part
no mention of cycling) And I realized there almost had to have been cycling during Effexor monotherapy.
You must have Bipolar II then, right? longer Depressions and Much shorter hypomanias, sound about
right? The rapid cycling part might not be a permanent feature of your illness. I was rapid cycling after being treated with an SSRI monotherapy for a very long two days. But 4 years later I don't think I would meet the diagnostic criteria for rapid cycling. I do meet the criteria for the classic BP I spend all you money on a two weeklong high followed by a month, two month three month depression. EH well, if you want to take me up on my offer to talk outside of here, either by email or AIM or MSN (let me know before adding me on MSN since I rarely use it), I'd be more than happy to talk to you about
life with bipolar.