i'm not a dr, a pdoc, a chemist, not a pharmacist. it is to one of these individuals that you should present you query.
i have been on lithium since 2001, when i was diagnosed with bp (actully the bp diagnosis didn't come until 2002). the pdoc also put me on anti-psychotic drugs which turned me into a zombie. my wife, his pa, and i finally convinced him to drop the anti-psychotic drugs after several months. i am now on lithium and welbutrin (i spend most of my time in a depressive state).
i, too, suffered from vivid dreams that were, to say the least, disconcerting. my pdoc told me that this was a common side-effect of lithium and, in fact, most, if not all, drugs used to treat bp. fun, huh?
i also took effexor for several months. same - i might almost say - halucinogenic side effect.
you must remember that every person reacts uniquely to evey drug. my wife was pescribed ultram for her arthritis and it is working unbelieveably well. that same drug made me nausiated and i vomited non-stop for seveal days.
another thing to consider is that the "cocktail" that you and your pdoc find to keep you functional with bp is a movable feast. it must be "tweaked" now and then to accomodate changes in your health, you hormoones, etc. and you must also remember that quite often the drugs just "poop out" and you and your pdoc have to come up with a suitable replacement.
add to all of this the fact that the drugs often take several months to take effect. it can be a long process. hey, but what elso will keep you entetained like this for the rest of your life?