Hi Depressedmom::
Welcome to our board. I read your posts over on the depression board and just want to extend a hand of sympathy to you. I have a toddler (and a husband) to take care of as well, and everything just feels absolutely impossible when you're that depressed. You just want to lay around but there's no way to explain that to a 2 year old (or 4 year old).
I'm stable (relatively) at the moment, thank heavens, but get good and depressed about
once a year, so here's a couple of tips, if you don't mind me answering your cry of "Help!"
1. Get back to the doctor and get on new meds. You said you stopped taking your meds because you didn't feel like they were doing anything. This is always a really, really bad idea. If you'd just started taking them, they usually need 4-6 weeks to really kick in, and if you'd been on them a while, they can stop being effective. If they never worked that great to begin with, then you were on the wrong medications and needed to be on something different. There are dozens of different meds out there which work for some people and not for others. IMO, you need to try something else to help you get out from under this depression. Which brings me to...
2. You said you talked to your OB/GYN about
your depression and not to a Psychiatrist. I TOTALLY understand wanting to talk with a doc you're comfortable with about
personal matters, but I certainly wouldn't go to my psychiatrist for help with my ob/gyn problems. That wouldn't make any sense, and it doesn't make much sense in the reverse, either. You really need to talk to someone who's knowledge specializes in mental health and the treatment of mental health issues.
Don't stop your meds because they don't work, don't cancel your appointments because you have a good day. GO ANYWAY. My guess is you have a hard time taking care of yourself. I bet you do a good job of taking care of that husband and daughter, but when it comes to yourself, you let things slide. Take care of yourself. As our own LFW says, "You count too."
Again, welcome. We're glad to have you.