Hello, I have been over in the Anxiety-Panic board for awhile but never over here. But I thought perhaps someone, if they have time, could tell me if this is cause for worry?
I have had an isolated patch of about 1.5-2 inches square that is an itchy rash, more itchy than rash, just below my collar bone towards the front of my shoulder. It is hot and red and gets worse when I scratch it. Sometimes I have shooting pain in that breast but don't know if I'm imagining it because I've recently started worrying that the rash could be a symptom of IBC. Is it possible that a rash that far up could be a symptom of IBC? At first I didn't even link it to my breast because it seemed so far away, then I got online and started to freak out when seeing all of the warnings about rashes. I don't have any other symptoms although I think my left breast is more sensitive feeling.
Thanks in advance if you're willing to reply!