Just wanted to say hi and update a bit. I'm doing pretty darn well, I think. The methotrexate seems to be helping my vision a lot and DH and I are sure enjoying time together and with the kiddos. Didn't get my taxotere last week as my white count was too low, so they added leukovorin and hope/ plan it will be ok tomorrow to get both chemos. Angela is taking me and I'm looking forward to spending time with her
It may be a long day--lab, MD then 2 1/2 hr treatment. My appetite is good. I'm getting out most everyday--going to church or Target or grocery or lunch. Not driving--I'm not that crazy. Lucky enough to have friends to take me places. Let's see ...enjoying doing homework with kids, beautiful sunny fall days and beautiful rainy thundery days too. Back pain is very manageable. Trying to take a rest every afternoon. DH is working on long neglected projects around the house like cleaning out the storage room, but is happy to help if I need something.
Just wanted to say hi and I think of you all everyday, appreciate your cards and thoughts and send special hugs to all who need them.