Hi, all, hope you ALL had a wonderful holiday. I've been on another adventure as you know. Thank YOU, Cathi, for posting for me.
And what an adventure it was. Although I was feeling pretty miserable when I went into the hospital, I'm doing well now except for tiredness, which I'm sure is in large part because they keep waking you up in the hospital where you're "supposed" to be resting to take you BP, etc.
I will tell you that compared to BC the angiogram was nothing. The most difficult part of the whole thing was trying to keep the OR people away from my lymphedema arm, the right one. Yikes, what an ordeal. I was wearing my hot pink "lymphedema alert" bracelet that I got from the Lymphedema Society of America and the people in the OR were still not paying attention. They had a big debate about what they should do re: the BP cuff because there were too many things already stuck into my left arm. Finally, the patient, me, had to say, "well, I do have two good legs (shaved just that morning, LOL) that you could think about using. It was like a light went on upstairs. Good idea, said one of the techs. They used my left leg for the BP. Can you believe this? I thought medicine was an art NOT a science for the very reason that great medical people think "outside the box."
I thank my lucky stars every single day that I found this board. Because of info. that I found out here, I've been able to speak knowledgeably about issues that may seriously effect my own health. Thank you, all, for bringing all of your information here to share and protect us.
So, I'm taking things very easy here, although I am getting somewhat bored. I will see both the internist and the cardiologist right after the New Year. I've been making lists of questions for each of them. One thing which impressed this New York girl about the cardiologist here in NV. He was most willing to get on the phone with my cardiologist in NY to discuss events both before and after the results of the tests indicated the necessity for an angiogram. To me that showed a level of self-confidence that was reassuring to me and my family. I really liked that.
Love and hugs from here, Luci