Oh Boy! this one's right up my alley. The shot that shuts down the ovaries is Lupron. The three month shot costs thousands, so I get a monthly shot. I am now on tamoxifen, and lupron. The amotase inhibitor isn't in the mix yet, because I'm not in menopause yet and am getting an oopherectomy. My onc says I'm doubly protected at the moment. He's very happy with my level of protection right now. The signal from the pituitary isn't being sent to the ovaries, and tamoxifen is also stopping the estrogen down in the pelvis. Something like that, I think. I haven't checked Dr. Love's breast book on this one, I think she wrote it before amotase inhibitors.
RE: ovarian cancer risk: genetic testing may be useful. It was anunknown result for me, but if you have the BRCA gene, your risk would be very high for OC. There's also a risk of uterine cancer and complications from thickening of the endrometrial lining with tamoxifen, the drug they give if your premenapusal. I have problems with my uteris and the ovaries may be risky, so I'm getting a hyster/oopher in July.
I'm a bit upset that I'll no longer have the option to have kids, and that my bones will suffer from inducing menopause early. Dr. Feldman, actually, told me about the amotase inhibitor and lupron mix, as a way to induce menopause for treatment and not permanently lose the ovaries, to save my bones. There are several opinions out there about it, and I was torn for a while. My onc and I discussed it. They are a great team, even though they confuse me sometimes. I'd have to say this is the most confusing part of my treatment, because the decision I needed to make isn't one I know a lot about. I really hear you.
Whatever you do, please remember that you NEED to be on a barrier contraceptive if you go on tamoxifen without shutting down the ovaries. It's in the FDA write up for tamoxifen. Getting pregnant now could be very problematic. The FDA has a writeup on the amotase inhibitor, too, I'm sure, it might be a good source of info for you. Find out the name of the drug and go to the FDA site.
Wow, wierd how we're on the same plane here, huh?