JuJu: I read your post yesterday and was so mad that I couldn't respond. I thought that I might feel differently today but I am still as upset and perhaps even madder. The first thing I would do is RUN, not walk, as far away from the onco team that you have and find another one.
First, as someone said, a 2nd opinion will NOT change the fact that you have cancer and mets. But, it will perhaps change your treatment option as well as help your mental status. When my father was diagnosed w/ lung cancer about 15 yrs ago, we were all heartbroken. But, we kicked in gear and started researching. (before the days of the internet) I called Richard Bloch (H&R Bloch) as I had read his book. He personally spoke w/ me for a long time on the phone. The one thing that I remember that he said, and I used it when I was first diagnosed and then rediagnosed, was this....FIND AN ONCONOGIST THAT FEELS HE/SHE CAN HELP YOU. NO MATTER WHAT YOUR PROGNOSIS, HE/SHE NEEDS TO LET YOU KNOW THAT THERE IS HOPE. Sounds to me like your med onco doesn't know what HOPE is. When I was rediagnosed w/ mets to the bones, I was scared to death. I thought that it was a death sentence. I tried to keep a brave face but inside I had almost given up. My onco told me that we could beat this. She couldn't promise that it wouldn't show up somewhere else but then what promise did I have that I wouldn't walk across the parking lot and get hit by a car???? It has been 2 yrs for me now. My cea is below normal as are the other tumor tag tests. My PET scans show nothing more than the original spot that was seen 2 yrs ago. My medical team is still giving me support as are my family and friends and the wonderful women on this board. So here is what you have to think about doing....finish your rads but while doing this make appts w/ other med onco. It doesn't have to be just one. If it takes 3 different interviews before you find one you like then you go to 3 diff appointments. DON'T YOU DARE GIVE UP!
I'm sorry that your med onco team is like this but what they don't know is that you have a group of women that fly on an imaginary pink airplane, w/ pink feathers flying everywhere, that can and will give you support and knowledge.
Hugs and prayers and lots of positive thoughts....Deb