Neulasta (pegfilgrastim) is a man-made form of a protein that stimulates the growth of white blood cells in your body. White blood cells help your body fight against infection.
Neulasta is used to prevent neutropenia, a lack of certain white blood cells caused by receiving chemotherapy.
My first 12 rounds of chemo flattened me out, dropped my neutrophils with the first dose. From the 2 - 12 dose I had to have a shot of Neulasta exactly 24 hours after my chemo was infused. ( my chemo ran for 4 hours at the clinic and then 48 hours at home on an infusion pump )
Neulasta did cause me some large bone pain that usually started within 8 hours of the injection. My Dr. gave me pain medicine as my sternum, hip joints and shoulders would hurt. It went away over a 4 day period but each of us is different.
I wish you peace and it is good to see how caring the members of the Breast Cancer Forum are. I am just lurking as my cancer is not breast but Stage IV colon cancer.