I actually am getting fractionated mini-ifosfamide,carboplatin,etoposide for metastatic BC at the Zion,IL cancer treatment centers of america. I'm actually in the hospital because that particular chemo is going all day and night, but the food service is really great and the nursing staff are very very kind.
I had a big reduction in my heart ejection-fraction while having adriamycin therapy, and just after radiation therapy when I shouldn't have, at a different facility. One of the docs at the new hospital has said that they have given adriamycin for up to a year for BC patients in a fractionated dose, and not seen reduction in ejection fraction.
Plus they have naturopath docs, a nurtitionist who really knows her stuff, and chirpractor, massage therapist, acupuncturist, physicalk therapy as part of the service of the hospital.
I've had no mouth sores, little nausea, and have overall tolerated chemo this way pretty well.