As we all know, while on chemo you have to be aware of the little things..such as a cold. I started feeling like I was coming down w/ a cold last weekend. I talked to my chemo nurse about
it on Tues but I really didn't have any symptoms other than a small cough and a runny nose. No temp. Blood counts were all fine so I had my chemo. She told me the standard alert if I had a temp, chills, etc. As this week has progressed, the cough got worse but no temp. I took Ibuprofin 800 and it took away any little aches that I had. Well, I noticed yesterday that I was having more problems breathing and my cough was worse but we have had a change in the weather here in Mo...RAIN FOR 24 HRS...FIRST IN 3 MOS! So I attributed my breathing difficulties to the damp humidity. Tonite I finally decided that I needed to go to the ER. I requested a chest xray and I have pneumonia. So, please be aware that a small cold can turn quickly into something bigger. If you get a cough, get it checked out or call your onco and get on an antibotic. Dumb thing is that I had the antibotic in my med cabinet and didn't take it. The ER dr said that he had seen several patients that were presently on chemo that had pneumonia.