I am not a happy camper today. I was scheduled to have my lesion taken out this morning. Turns out my surgeon is volunteering in New Orleans, but nobody called me to cancel my surgery. So I do all the prep....take a day off of work and hubby does too. Im stressed all freaking holiday weekend, and they even had me wait 30 min in the waiting room AND get a gown on. Im all ready to get the wire guided thingy in place, and someone comes back to say "Didnt they call you?" Ugggghgghhg
My new surgery day is Sept 15th. I did get to have a nice chat with the Radiologist today though, and she made me feel really good about my cancer chances. Surgeon gave me the 10% odds, but the radiologist said if it IS cancer, it is absolutely non invasive and would only take removal..and no chemo or rads. My MRI's were both clear, and they dont suspect cancer, but the lesion must be removed. I was suprised to hear her say that 50% of doctors wouldnt even remove my lesion!
Anyway...I get to hang on for 9 more days. Sigghhh