Well, The CT scans are set for Saturday Morning. We'll see what's going on with the come-and-go pain in my lower abdomen/upper pelvic area. It's probably scar tissue that is irreversible, but could be a mass. The licensing exam is over and I have no earthly idea how I did and won't find out for weeks. My dell hard drive decided to, I guess, break, right after hooked up another computer to the router and both the nonpro geek who reformatted the other computer and Dell support say that hooking the other one up had NOTHING to do with the breakdown. DH is Pi$$ed at the nonpro geek because he must have done something to it, and of course would know better then the geek or Dell. So, he can't play poker whenever he wants for another week. That's real pleasant. The geek is my dear friend's brother, so living with DH pi$$ed at him is all fun and nice. I'm planning a surprise 70th b-day party for my inlaws with my DSIL who, I'm finding, has wierd issues that make her a little hypersensitive (everything is tip-toe lately). My DSS (stepson) has moved in with us, and it's going ok, but this too could change. The realtor I torture semi-annually has found a BEAUTIFUL house and property that's right where I want to live AND has a barn that can be converted to a shop on the property. This would be happy, exciting news, but for DH who, I'm finally admitting to myself, doesn't want to move out of our tiny place, and doesn't want to owe anyone anything. A day or two after I see something I like, we typically fight for a night, pretty loudly "discussing," every issue and sticking point in our marriage. This one is expensive, so It will have to entail his selling what we've got unless the raise I'm expecting is totally awesome (fat chance).
So, check back in about a week, because I'm looking at this property this weekend. By next week I should be about ready to be taken away in a rubber truck. I'm hoping my low expectations will insulate me from dissappointment, but that is not likely to happen. I tend to "cha-ching" up to estatic when I see a property I like and fantasize living there, etc.. and then get brought down with a bang by DH.
I am trying to be grateful, most of these are happy problems, and I likely don't have a recurrance in my pelvis. I think focusing on this annoying stuff allows me not to worry about the possiblity of another cancer.
It takes something away from the power of a coping style when you can SEE RIGHT THROUGH IT!
Pessimistically yours,