I was at Passover, and my brother and cousin's husband were each next to me at the table after dinner and we were pishing and I mentioned that I had been told by my onc that I didn't have to go back for six months, which is a good thing, since it was always three months until now. I was happy about this, of course.
Then my cousin's husband said "Yeah, but you should probably go back in three months anyway. I knew a friend who waited the six months and they found something and he might not have the "problems" he's having now if he had gone back in the three months."
Wierd reaction in me with that. Here were the two eldest males in my family being protective, a feeling I never knew I longed for since my dad passed away, so that felt good. Then there's the cancer fear resurected that comes so easily.....
Anyway, I'm going to see him sooner.
Got this thing on my back. Got it checked on Apr. 14th, and am waiting for results of biopsy. Anyway, I picked at it, figuring the scab from the slicing would come off and would (eventually) heal. Well, it made it worse and now I'm in real discomfort. I'm a real idiot sometimes.
Other than that, things are the same. no house yet, but we made an offer, yadda yadda yadda.
Already invited two friends for thanksgiving in this house I'm supposedly getting. think that's too soon?