So, I've been known to be somewhat of a hypochondraic... but... I figured I'd ask anyway because it's been bothering me.
about a month ago, I noticed a small red mark on the side of my breast. Nothing else about my breasts has changed, and the mark hasn't grown at all, or atleast not enough to say it's definitely growing. It faded from a darker red to a pinkish, but other than that it hasn't changed color. It doesn't even stick out from the skin, and it doesn't hurt, hasn't bled or anything like that. It gets darker when I take really hot showers, but then fades again. But it just won't go away and it's bothering me that it might be Inflammatory Breast Cancer. I'm only 18, so it's very unlikely that it's breast cancer, I know. But do you think I should get it checked out? There's no family history of breast cancer, although there is a history of other forms of cancer.
I know this might not be the best place to ask because you can't actually see it or anything... but I'm very bad at making judgements as to when to go to the doctor. Thanks. =]