He's wonderful, He's the one who told me I had cancer. When I had a lump that wasn't showing on a mammogram, my doc up here said wait, it's probably nothing, but I went to Dr. Feldman. The NYC blackout happened the day before my appointment, and I couldn't reach them that Friday, the day of my appointment. That Sunday, I got a call from his office, saying they could squeeze me in Monday, but that he was leaving for Japan the next day so I hightailed it there with my mom. In the morning, he did a needle biopsy, and then told me to wait until after lunch, and come back,because he was leaving for Japan, and he wanted me to have an answer so I could make decisions instead of waiting. He got the lab done STAT, and told me the results that day. It was wonderful service, even though it wasn't the answer I wanted.
He did a lumpectomy and sentinal node biopsy, and he put in my port and took it out for me. I go to him for my mammos and check ups. He always squeezes me in if I'm down there, even if I don't have an appointment. He's a very nice man, too.
Dr. Sheldon Feldman
10 Union Square East, Ste. 4E
New York, NY 10003
I go to Westtown, and that's right by Port Jervis. That's right by sussex, no?
Getting together would be nice.