Lori: I basically did the same thing that you did. I can't stand pets that shed so, when my hair started falling out, I had it cut shorter and shorter. Finally one day I told my sil to buzz it. (she is a beautician) I didn't wear my wig but put a baseball hat on. My dd and granddaughters lived w/ me. When my eldest gd came home (she was 6) I asked her what she thought. She looked at me, rubbed her hand over the stubble on my head and said, "well, it's not bad Nana, but wear your hat when my friends come". We all still laugh about it. As for the wig and the prothesis. I hated them both! So, as soon as I would get in the car from dinner or a meeting, etc., the wig would come off. Then the bra w/ the prothesis. Both would be pitched in the back seat. Talk about FREEDOM! rofl My bf told me that if we ever had a wreck, that the 2 of us would prob die because the authorities would be looking for a 3rd person when they saw the wig and "boob" in the back. Ahhhh, to have good friends that care!
Michelle, take control and have fun!