Thanks, gals, for the PCE wishes. I'm through the worst of it. The surgery went well, no bleeding like last time. The pain wasn't manageable all night, even with lots of morphine. Made a few wierd phone calls, though. (morphine and a cell phone do not mix, ladies, LOL). I'm sure my secretary is laughing still. That was the only thing the morphine did for me, though. Didn't touch the pain. I was up most of the night with pain.
At about Five a.m., the doc comes in and decides to resort to a toradol shot. Oh, Heaven sent, that was! They don't like to give it, but it gets you on your way to painless, with no side effects, except possible seizures (hense their not wanting to resort to it). It's a very amazing painkiller. Isn't it always the way that the best medicine has something wrong with it?
I'm in pain and Mom is here to take care of Matthew. He'll be going to her this weekend. Gotta get DH to meet her down closer to her to pick up Matthew so she doesn't have to traverse so many miles. Hope he comes through without complaint. I really can't deal if he does.
Well, let's hope I can get to sleep tonight. Night ladies.