Not a whole lot has changed. My dd is still in the hospital, 7 days now and I have no idea when she is going to be released. They are still running tests to try to determine why she is in so much pain and can't keep anything down. They stopped the morphine for a day and the pain was so bad that they started it again. I have to admit that this has NOT helped her attitude any. My granddaughter's father (or as I usually refer to him as the "sperm donor" or "a**H****") has continue to make his presence known. I have asked 2 different surgeons (both friends) to run a tox screen. I don't know if they have or not. I am taking care of the 3 girls. We have gotten into a pretty good routine but I have to tell you that w/ a 2yo, I am exhausted by the time I get them in bed of a night. (Usually before Thanks for all of the prayers. Please continue to remember us.