I sure hope you don't mind me coming here.. it being Saturday it's driving me crazy before I can talk to the doctor on Monday. Here is my deal. I've always had cystic breasts no matter what time of the month so always hard for me to distingish what kind of lumps and if they've been there or not. Well this is the new stuff happening.. I've noticed some breast changes... in my left breast, it's becoming increasingly painful in one spot up top, and the skin seems to be different now like softer or something there is lumps in there but don't know if they are new or not. My breast does seem to be bigger than normal and now the pain has turned into burning.
I've been reading on this and get the too young and "normally" not painful. Just need to know some FACTS and know what to push my doctor to do. I've had so many bad doctors and doctors missing stuff in my life already don't want them to screw up on this one. And another thing I do have (but have had since I had my son) is the hair follicle thing, nothing real new there.
I'm very scared and don't like feeling like this.
Please ANY info you guys can share I greatly appreciate it!!
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