I go to see the plastic surgeon today that is the only one used by my HMO. I am not confident that he is going to be able to do what I want as I have heard he does not do immediate reconstructions or silicone implants (I am probably not a candidate for using my own tissue as I am small). Also, Las Vegas is so understaffed with doctors I don't know if I will even be able to find someone if I decide to just go pay for this myself. (Figured I spent all these years working so many hours every week, I may as well spend something on me for a change and this would seem to be the time.)
Where are the best places to go in the country to have the mastectomy done and to have reconstruction started where I might have a chance of getting scheduled within the next couple of weeks? Also has anyone had a reconstruction done using alloderm? I am small breasted and there seem to be some pretty good results with this technique?