I've been diagnosed today and am still in shock. I know almost nothing about
breast cancer. Everyone on this board seems to be very well informed so I wonder if anyone could possibly answer my questions. I did ask my surgeon but haven't retained everything that he said and it's now evening here in the UK so probably will not get to talk to anyone about
this until Monday.
The lab report from my biopsy says:
invasive adenocarcinoma ductal and probably grade 3
(tubules = 3, pleomorphism = 3 mitoses = 2 score 8)
there is no obvious lymphovascular invasion, calcification or DCIS. code B5b
ER = 4 + 2 = 6
what does this mean? I think it's a pretty bad one isn't it?
they plan to remove the lump and approx 1cm of surrounding tissue next week and recommend sentinel lymph node biopsy. then if they find that it has not spread further they will recommend radiotherapy.
I asked why not do an axillary lymph node dissection straightaway to save having possibly having that done in a few weeks. the surgeon says it is my decision.
does anyone have an opinion about this - ie if having the axillary node biopsy straightaway would make any difference to the eventual outcome.
I understand it can leave you with a permanently numb arm, swelling etc.
Any information gratefully received.