Hi all:
Well, got diagnosed for my pelvic pains and it is an interesting one. I have no ovaries, and my bladder has suffered from it. I have atrophic tricolitis, an inflamation that causes pain in the bladder. It's from a lack of estrogen. The specialist ob-gyn prescribed local sapositories of estrogen, and said it won't put me at risk for a bc reoccurance. Just to be sure, I'm going to wait until I see my onc on Monday to fill it. I looked it up quickly and read that local estrogen without pogesterone isn't associated with recurrances, though.
Interesting. Had to go to NYC to definatively diagnose it. MRI also revealed that my back is also significantly damaged from the scholiosis I've had for many years. This was the other "pelvic" pain. It had radiated toward the front of that area, making it seem as if it was in the pelvis.
I'm glad I wasn't being punished like I feared. Seems also that fear of persecution with that type of pain is not unusual. Fascinating.
Anyone ever feel as if they're being persecuted with our disease? Haven't run across studies about that.