How are you treating the lyme? Are you seeing any positive changes?
Have you ever treated with antivirals? How did you or did you treat your Parvo diagnosis? Parvo/Fifth's Disease is hideous in itself. That virus alone is almost exactly like lyme symptomatically.
I think asking what caused what is like asking what came first, the chicken or the egg? No one really knows - or perhaps just a few; maybe yourself since you had a "known bite over 3 years ago". Many chronically ill sufferers don't have that to "pin point".
And yes, there are some who do fight off all of the nasty viral and bacterial infections with seemingly ease. Again, no one really knows the whys or hows to that either. Genetics, Environment, who really knows?
As for your question....Is 'chronic' EBV mono or CFS? Or is it just simply found in blood tests? From my research (and I have been doing it for years), I believe chronic EBV is mono, (they are one and the same - mononucleosis is derived from the epstein barr virus) which over time can, but not always, become CFS among other things. With the limited (limited as opposed to other ailments) research and funding for studies on ebv and other chronic viral infections; those that acknowlege it (MD's, ND's, scientists, etc) are now treating with antivirals in an attempt to stop the progression from ebv continuing on to other "things". As in many "forums' there is much breath holding in anticipation of the XMRV studies and how they all inter-relate.